Robowars 2012 Nationals & Riverfire
Monday 24th September – Nandos
I worked.
Bronwen and I drove to Maz’s, and from there to the Kenmore Nando’s for dinner.
Tuesday 25th September – King Ahiram’s Lebanese Food
I worked. I also bought a new headlamp bulb for the car.
Bronwen and I went for a walk through Toohey’s Forest, as part of my get fit thing, and also to test out Oruxmaps on my phone. After our walk I—with great difficulty—put the new headlamp globe in the car, and we drove to King Ahiram’s Lebanese Food at West End where we had had a kebab for dinner. I dropped Bronwen off at her parents’ place, in preparation for her first day at her new job tomorrow.
Wednesday 26th September – Pasta
I worked, quite busily as what I’m working on is due. Bronwen had her first day at her new job.
Bronwen and I drove to Woolworths to do some uninteresting shopping, and then had a lovely home-cooked pasta while watching Top Gear, before going to bed. All in all, a quiet night.
Thursday 27th September – The Burrito Bar
I worked.
Bronwen and I went for a walk up Mount Gravatt, and then drove to the Burrito Bar in Rosalie, where we met Maz and ate Tacos, dropped some stuff off at Bronwen’s work, bought fuel, and drove home again.
Friday 28th September – Halim’s Indian Taj
I worked.
Bronwen and I enjoyed a very pleasant vegetable biryani, and a rather spectacular chilli paneer, at Halim’s Indian Taj.
Saturday 29th September – Robowars, Riverfire & Chez Tessa
Bronwen and I drove to Francy’s Patisserie for my traditional weekend veggie pasty, and then drove out to the Ipswich Art Gallery to watch the Robowars 2012 Nationals—where featherweight (13.6 kilogram) robots fought each other to their, often dramatic, deaths.
We rushed back from Robowars to Maz’s, and from there to the city, where we parked at Maz’s work, and walked to Brisbane Square—via Subway for a much-needed lunch. We watched the rather pathetic flyover at ten to six, and then, thanks to Bronwen’s friend who works there, joined a ridiculously large queue to get into the Suncorp/Brisbane Square building—though fortunately right at the front of the queue, Bronwen’s friend having held us a place. We set up our cameras against the glass of the 33rd floor, and got a new, and rather high, view of the Riverfire fireworks and myriads of little tiny ant-people down below.
After Riverfire, Maz, Bronwen and I drove out to Chez Tessa, and had dinner there, before driving back to Maz’s and watching a movie.
Sunday 30th September – Robowars, Roadkill & The Burrito Bar
Bronwen and I got up relatively early, and drove out to Ipswich to see the robot wars again. We managed to arrive just after half past ten, and they were just starting the first fight of the day—now into the beetleweight (1.36 kilogram) category. We stayed until the finals of the featherweight (13.6 kilogram) category—which was a surprise win to Roadkill, a remarkably strong, but relatively dangerous, robot.
After failing to find anything much open, we had an “Ipswich Lunch”—a can of baked beans, a can of mixed vegetables, and a can of spaghetti, from Woolworths—and after the featherweight finals, drove back home, and had a rest.
After a much-needed rest, Bronwen and I drove to Maz’s, then to the confectionery warehouse (where I may have accidentally bought a box of 48 mint patties, along with a bag of milk chocolate coated ginger and my traditional Wimmer’s Portino (or Portello, before Coke tried to shut them down)). On the way home we stopped at the Burrito Bar in Paddington (now under new management) and had tacos for dinner—and I’m happy to report, not only were they delicious, but they turned up, contained all the right ingredients, and seemed to be a little better than before.