Tuesday 23rd December – Packing
Tried to start the mower, but could not. Later on, managed to start it, and mowed the lawn.
After Bronwen had ridden home from work we started to pack for Woodford. Then, Bronwen and I drove to Halim’s and had dinner, before driving home and continuing to pack for Woodford. We drove to Garden City—which is open all night—and went shopping at midnight (buying a blender, two pillows, some star stickers (to stick onto my camera batteries to make it more obvious which are charged and which are flat) and some socks). It was quite busy, and I think everyone was starting to go a little strange.
We then continued to pack, not getting to bed until after one o’clock.
Wednesday 24th December – Woodford Folk Festival
Bronwen went to work, while I relaxed at home for a while, before starting to do the final pack for Woodford.
Woodford Folk Festival
Bronwen finished at work at one o’clock and I drove in and got her. We drove home, had lunch, and finished packing. It was three o’clock by the time we left.
I was worried traffic to the festival would be bad, but while there were a few slow spots and we came to a stop a couple of times on the highway, overall it was fine and we got to Woodford with plenty of time to spare.
The tent and tarp, to our relief, seemed to have survived fine. We unloaded and went for a walk around the festival site. They’ve built another large bamboo structure, this time at the front gate.
We had a chat to Jan from the Green Room, then headed back to camp for dinner. I had muesli.
Bronwen then went to her training at the front office at nine o’clock, while I took a few photos.
After her training we sat and watched the sky for a bit, seeing a huge shooting star, then showered and went to bed.
Thursday 25th December – Christmas Day
Bronwen got up early and headed to her first shift. She’s working ten hours today in the front office. I slept in for a bit longer, getting up when a lady in a Kombi van set up camp in front of ours.
It’s very hot but we seem to be mostly shaded until around nine o’clock. I overheard the camping warden telling someone else not to park here so we’ll probably have to move our car.
Bronwen called just before lunch, wanting me to bring a drink and some chips down to the front office, and we ended up walking down to the festival so she could get lunch for her crew at the office. The Duck makes free lunches for volunteers. I found that Fine Earth Foods was open—the only shop so far I think—so I had a vege burger from there for lunch.
I wandered around the festival, which wasn’t really set-up yet, and also very hot, taking photos.
Bronwen finished at six, and I wandered down to the front office to get my armband just before she finished.
We had some chips for dinner, went for a little wander, and then went to bed at 9:15.
Friday 26th December – The Airbed Leaks
The air bed went down in the night, though not entirely—it must have a slow leak?
The forecast today is for rain, and a possible storm.
Bronwen headed off to her shift early, starting at 7:30.
My training today is at midday.
I walked to the festival and put one of my phone batteries on to charge at Vollywood, then managed to get stuck down at the ticket gate because they shut the road to gravel it. Unexpectedly, I met Jade at the gate.
My training was a bit late, but my position seems like an enjoyable one.
I wandered back to the tent when Bronwen had to start work and chatted to our neighbours a bit before blowing up the half flat air bed again and catching the bus back to the festival.
I spent the evening wandering around the festival, checking in on the three bars which were open, and eating a langos.
Bronwen finished at ten and we had spaghetti from spaghetti junction before walking back to the tent and going to bed.
Saturday 27th December – Raining
Bronwen started work early again. I tried to sleep in. Once again our air bed had gone half flat.
I headed over to the festival around midday, meeting Bronwen shortly after. She finished at 1:30.
It rained nearly all day and things are starting to get muddy. I dug a small ditch around the tent, which has so far stayed dry.
We bumped into Jade and watched the welcome/opening ceremony with her, then violent femmes.
We went to bed at 2 o’clock, a bit sick of the wet.
The Opening Ceremony
Sunday 28th December – Still Raining
Bronwen and I got up semi early to go see FYI with Bob Hawke, but he never showed up. It was amusing nevertheless.
It rained less than yesterday but was still rainy most of the day.
I got extremely hot as it was incredibly humid.
We saw Kate Miller-Heike, and later, her husband’s show, Franky Walnut.
We went to bed at 2:30. Fortunately there was a small gap in the rain just long enough for us to take our half flat air bed out to the car to pump it up.
Monday 29th December – Flooding
We had a bit of a sleep in. It was very hot and eventually stopped raining.
There was heavy rain. Tents flooded but ours was ok.
Went to bed at 4 AM.
Tuesday 30th December – My car is hit
Bronwen and I slept in until nine o’clock.
I found my car had been hit—it looks like someone has reversed into it with a ute, but not left a note or any way to contact them.
We spent all day at the festival, getting to bed at 4 AM.
Wednesday 31st December 2014 – The Last Day of the Year!
Things. Many, many things.
Bronwen and I had our three minutes’ silence at the Amphitheatre, then everyone partied, and eventually we made our way up to the hilltop to watch the dawn ceremony—which was especially naked this year.
Thursday 1st January 2015 – The First Day of the Year!
Bronwen and I watched the dawn rise from the hilltop, as one does at Woodford.
Having stayed up all night, pretty much everyone was tired. I took photos of every single stall at the festival for Kim. It turns out there’s quite a lot.
Fire Ceremony
There was a fire ceremony. It was very confusing but quite spectacular—as usual. Then it burnt.
Friday 2nd January – Back to Brisbane
Today was our last day at Woodford. We stayed for the volunteers’ party after the festival, and arrived home late.