Weekly NSDAP slogan adjacent to a sword, hammer, and gear wrapped in an olive branch extending from the German eagle and swastika

Weekly NSDAP slogan adjacent to a sword, hammer, and gear wrapped in an olive branch extending from the German eagle and swastika

Weekly NSDAP slogan adjacent to a sword, hammer, and gear wrapped in an olive branch extending from the German eagle and swastika.

Era: World War II - Germany

Poster Text: SO WIE WIR / MITLEIDLOS / HART GEWE-/SEN SIND IM KAMPF / UM DIE MACHT, / WERDEN WIR GENAU / SO MITLEIDLOS UND / HART SEIN IM KAMPF UM / DIE ERHALTUNG / UNSERES VOLKES / ADOLF HITLER [Hard and without pity as we have been in our struggle for power, so will we also be in the struggle for the preservation of our nation. Adolf Hitler].

Publisher: Wochenspruchen der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) [weekly slogans of the National German Workers' Party].

Date Published: July 26-Aug. 1, 1942
