Weekly NSDAP slogan (8)

Weekly NSDAP slogan (8)

Weekly NSDAP slogan.

Era: World War II - Germany

Poster Text: NUR WER SELBER AM EIGENEN / LEIBE FUHLT-WAS ES HEISST- /DEUTSCHER ZU SEIN OHNE DEM / LIEBEN VATERLANDE ANGEHO-/REN ZU DURFEN, VERMAG DIE / TIEFE SEHNSUCHT ZU ERMESSEN, / DIE ZU ALLEN ZEITEN IM HER-/ZEN DER YOM MUTTERLANDE / GETRENNTEN KINDER BRENNT. / ADOLF HITLER [Only he who himself feels what it means to be a German without being allowed to belong to the Fatherland is capable of judging the deep yearning that burns at all times in the hearts of those children separated from the Motherland. Adolf Hitler].

Publisher: Wochenspruchen der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) [weekly slogans of the National German Workers' Party].

Date Published: July 18-24, 1938
