A stalwart French soldier stands prominently on the battlefield

A stalwart French soldier stands prominently on the battlefield

A stalwart French soldier stands prominently on the battlefield.

Era: World War I - France

Poster Text: PAR DEUX FOIS J'AI TENU ET VAINCU SUR LA MARNE, / CIVIL, MON FRERE, / LA SOURNOISE OFFENSIVE DE LA 'PAIX BLANCHE' VA T'ASSAILLIR A TON TOUR, / COMME MOI, TU DOIS TENIR ET VAINCRE, SOIS FORT ET MALIN. / MEFIE - TOI DE L'HYPOCRISIE BOCHE. [They shall not pass! 1914 -1918 - Twice I have stood fast and conquered on the Marne, civilian, my brother - A false 'peace offensive will attack you in turn - Like me, you must stand firm and conquer, be strong and shrewd. Beware of Boche hypocrisy].

Artist: Maurice Neumont

Publisher: Grandes Associations Francaises contre la Propagande Ennemie

Date Published: 1918
