A woman standing and waving to unseen soldiers in the distance. A second woman waits expectantly while crouched in the arms of the other woman

A woman standing and waving to unseen soldiers in the distance. A second woman waits expectantly while crouched in the arms of the other woman

A woman standing and waving to unseen soldiers in the distance. A second woman waits expectantly while crouched in the arms of the other woman.

Era: World War I - France

Poster Text: COMPTOIR NATIONAL / D'ESCOMPTE DE PARIS / EMPRUNT / NATIONAL / 1918 / POUR HATER LA VICTORIE / ET POUR NOUS REVOIR BIENTOT, SOUSCRIVEZ! / ON SOUSCRIT SANS FRAIS AU SIEGE SOCIAL, 14, RUE BERGERE, A PARIS / ET DANS TOUTES LES AGENCES OU BUREAUX DE QUARTIER [National Discount Bank of Paris--National Loan of 1918--To hasten the victory and to see us again soon, Subscribe! One can subscribe free of charge at the main office, 14 Rue Bergere, Paris, and at all branch offices or district offices].

Artist: Auguste Leroux

Publisher: Joseph Charles

Date Published: 1918
